March Equinox Sunset River Swim
Web page and Gallery. On the first day of Spring, the March 20th Equinox, nine open water swimmers and seven kayakers made their way 2.3...

All the Angels Come - Second Edition
All the Angels Come - Second Edition is now online. A richer, online reading experience. This edition includes updates to the original...

Forty Floors
Coming in 2018 - Forty Floors “I’m done. Way tired of this corner. If there is life after death, I’d rather be there. Anybody that wants...

All the Angels Come-Part IV and Forty Floors
All the Angels Come - Part IV will be released in June. I'm working steadily and enjoying every minute. Since we did the theatrical...

Apo Helios I & II
Apo Helios first appeared in two parts in ARBUS Magazine in the December 2015 and January 2016 issues. You might call it a spin off or...

All the Angels Come - New formats available.
All the Angels Come can now be read in two new formats. Page turner like a book or Read as a PDF (my fave) The web version is still...

All the Angels Come... Please welcome our new sponsor along with the just released preview of Chapte
"The city is ripe for an epic fairy tale," Sherry Carter Garbarini “All the Angels Come speaks to the curse of stereotyping, the value of...

All the Angels Come... Welcome our new sponsor! Chapter 14 "Quartet" released!
"The city is ripe for an epic fairy tale," Sherry Carter Garbarini Please welcome our new sponsor, Spice and the Po Boys and their new...

All the Angels Come
"The city is ripe for an epic fairy tale," Sherry Carter Garbarini All the Angels Come On the corner, in the parks, asleep on the...

All Water is Holy Water
The healing power of water is not a metaphysical phenomenon. It is physical and measurable by fMRI. Immersing oneself in water can be...