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All the Angels Come

"The city is ripe for an epic fairy tale," Sherry Carter Garbarini

On the corner, in the parks, asleep on the sidewalks, walking the beaches. They say things. They talk to themselves. We give them a label. When they are together, they learn that the thoughts they have carried all these years dovetail into something that will change the city and possibly the world.

"The writing is a character in and of itself."

"I tripped and fell down this hole, enjoying every word on the way. thank you."

"I plan on doing more reading tonight. The few chapters that I have read have inspired me to 1.) pick up some watermelon at the store and 2.) give money to the woman in Riverside when she asked me."

"Engaging reading! Immersive! Just like water, the words draw me in, propel me forward. I like that I can read a bit at a time if I run out of time and then I can look forward to returning to it, always knowing that there is a suspense to it all which really moves like a current."

"An amalgram of ideas and locations and people and regrets...beautiful writing, high on impact."

On location in Jacksonville, Florida



© 2024 by LEAP Collaborative & Jim Alabiso


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